DCSP: Goals & Obj
Objectives guide content selection, instructional strategy, and assessment.
What will learner will do, after instruction, in the real world / performance context?
DSP will describe key characteristics of dyscalculia and describe a typical MLD student in terms of their academic history, ACT and college placement scores, transcript evaluation, and personal narrative.
DSP will effectively use the provided criteria for determining the legal validity of student documentation of math learning disability.
DSP will efficiently use the provided decision tree to appropriately guide MLD students on:
academic advising - career paths
path to completing required math requirements OR
path to obtaining a waiver of the required math classes and / or
path to obtaining a course substitution for the required math course(s)
obtaining standard and individualized accommodations for use across the curriculum in areas involving math tasks.
obtaining appropriate assistive technology to access the curriculum
inform students of pertinent legal rights, responsibilities, protections, and grievance procedures
resources at the institution, state, and federal levels
DPS will use provided BEST PRACTICES sheet to inform professors of appropriate programs for math learning disabled students.
DPS will use provided RESOURCES FOR STAFF & STUDENTS to guide instructors and students to free resources to aid in acquiring math skills.
Instructional Goals --> become---> BLIP OBJECTIVES
B-L-I-P: Behavioral, Learning, Instructional & Performance OBJECTIVES
-completion of translates into similar skill application in the real world
describe what skills the learner will demonstrate (identify, classify, demonstrate, or generate at end of the lesson in the training context.
Who, What, When, Where, How
What to measure? Learners will know = verbal information
Learners will understand = intellectual skills
Learners will appreciate = attitudes
(B) Behavioral objectives: 1960s Robert Mager insists objectives should list behaviors/ things students will do if learning is successful = AKA performance objectives.
(L) Learning objectives
(I) Instructional objectives
(P) Performance Objectives describe the task/skill the learner will perform, the conditions/context of performance, and the assessment criteria.
(SS) Subordinate skills (SS): All of the skills the learner must master on the way to the final goal.
(SO) Subordinate objectives (SO): Objectives that describe the skill steps the learner must master to reach the goal.