Dyscalculic Engineering Student
PHYSICS for Dyscalculic Students
(1) Continue in the regular Physics class, but projects replace all paper exams and calculation. The student presents concepts as a teacher or reporter, not as a mathematician.
(2) The student can create an illustrated study guide from the teacher's study guide, which counts as an alternative, creative form of assessment. For example, look up terms on MathIsFun.com, take screenshots of illustrations and definitions, collect, link, and use these to write and illustrate vocabulary and concepts.
(3) The teacher can assign a topic to illustrate and demonstrate deeply, defining and illustrating all key vocabulary and concepts, and explaining the WHAT, WHEN, WHY, and HOW, or the student can choose from a list of topics provided.
(4) Watch this video about Emma King, Ph.D. in Physics, University of Nottingham, who struggles with basic arithmetic but can do high-order astrophysical calculations. She has "dyslexia with numbers" which is discussed at 5:40 (but watch the whole thing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfSz3D5CCSQ&feature=youtu.be
(5) Explore current PBS Physics documentaries
(6) Explore PBS Nova's Physics Archive for excellent physics documentaries
(7) Explore the Children's Section of your library for illustrated physics books
(8) Explore Physics Apps and Interactive Programs:
Playground Physics (Discover and explore the physics in your own movements. Record a video of you or your friends, tap points along the way to trace a path of motion, and discover the motion, forces, and energy involved.)
Search the app stores for "Physics" or a specific topic "fluids, circuits, motion, gravity..."
(9) BOOK: The Cartoon Guide to Physics
(10) VISUAL CALCULATOR: Tydlig visual interactive calculator
(11) American Institute of Physics
(creative projects in place of paper tests)
Authentic assessment (build a circuit) vs. traditional assessment (answer questions about circuits).
(1) Learn more about Authentic Constructive Assessments:
(2) Next Generation Science Standards NextGenScience.org
Genially: https://www.genial.ly/
Explain Everything: https://explaineverything.com/.
Prezi: https://prezi.com/
Mind Mapping: https://productivityland.com/best-mind-mapping-software/
Create your own Physics Video Presentation and Test using PearDeck + GSlides
Create online tests and activities with NearPod.