Got It
There are 10 basic digits that are used to make up numbers:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fingers are also called "digits" and there are also 10 of them, and we use them to count.
The tenth finger is called "ten" or 10, which is comprised of two digits, 1 and 0.
The position of digits changes the meaning of a number:
Like only one car fits in a parking space, only one digit can fit in a number parking place.
When you face a number or you look at a number,
think that your head is the decimal point.
The decimal point separates whole numbers from parts or pieces or fractions of whole numbers.
Our place value system increases by trading up to the left of the decimal point and trading down to the right of the decimal point in sets of 10.
So moving <---- LEFT starting at the decimal point, you count 10 ones, then trade them in for 1 ten,
then count 10 tens and trade them in for 1 hundred.
Then count 10 hundred and trade them in for 1 thousand,
then count 10 thousand and trade them in for 1 ten-thousand...keep this pattern like in the picture below.
Get a set of 20 different $ denominations as seen in the image above and use them with our decimal place value chart to practice trading up. See chart and money.
Review these large numbers in the news and use your bills to demonstrate the amounts!
Russian Asteroid Crater Has Over $1 Quadrillion of Diamonds Watch Video
NASA brings forward a mission to explore $10,000 quadrillion metal asteroid Watch Video
US National Debt Exceeds $27 Trillion
How much is all that money?
Direction and Time - Around the World and Around the Clock
Compass Directions: History of the Compass and Cardinal Directions
Magnetism: National Geographic documentary --- Understanding Magnetism
Earth's Magnetic Field --- ready for a magnetic pole shift NOVA Documentary (Magnetic Storm)
Magnetism YouTube Channel