Judy Willis, M.D., M.Ed.
Dr. Willis - neurologist and classroom teacher - advises on best teaching practices, based knowledge of how the brain learns.
source: https://www.edutopia.org/profile/judy-willis
Willis, J., (2006). Research Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a Neurologist and Classroom Teacher. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Willis, J., (2010). Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change Student Attitudes and Get Results 2010 ASCD.
Willis, J., (2009). How Your Child Learns Best: Brain-Friendly Strategies You Can Use to Ignite Your Child's Learning and Increase School Success. Nappersville, Il. Sourcebooks, Inc.
Willis, J., (2007). Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (differentiated instruction grades K-8)
Willis, J., (2009). Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Willis, J., (2009). Inspiring Middle School Minds: Gifted, Creative, & Challenging. Arizona: Great Potentials Press. (differentiated instruction middle school)
Chapters in Books
Cooperative Learning: Accessing Our Highest Human Potential. A chapter in, The Power of the Social Brain Editors: Art Costa & Wilson O’Leary. New York: Teachers College Press. 2013.
Current Impact of Neuroscience in Teaching and Learning. A chapter in, Mind, Brain, and Education Ed. D. Sousa. Solution Tree Press, 2010.
Social Media and Links:
Connect with book chapters through her website www.RADTeach.com and with her ASCD ASK DR JUDY ASCD discussion group "How the Brain Learns" http://bit.ly/dmGyv5
Video Links:
Video Link International Conference on Thinking, Wellington, New Zealand. January 2013. Dr Judy Willis speaking about, What we can learn from the Video Game Model http://bit.ly/15czG6s
edutopia Videos
"Dr. Judy Willis Edutopia’s 'Big Thinker on Education'"
Big Thinkers: Dr. Judy Willis on the Science of Learning
PARENTS: Video Developing Critical Skillsets for 21st Century Success: http://www.gotocoffeebreak.com/portfolio/march-2013/
Laguna Beach PTA Parent Education. March 2013
View 7 Video Chapters of Dr. Judy Willis’ “Big Thinker in Education” Interview: http://www.edutopia.org/big-thinkers-judy-willis-neuroscience-learning-video
The Big Thinker video interview is divided into 7 1-2 minute segments by topic. From “Big Thinker” Judy Willis page http://www.edutopia.org/big-thinkers
scroll down the bar to the right of the video/photo and you can open each section by name, such as Judy Willis on the Science of Learning (video).
Meet Judy Willis, Neurologist Turned Educator (1 min 24 sec)
The Science of Boredom (1 min 36 sec)
Creating Curiosity in the Classroom (0 min 52 sec)
Focusing Students' Attention in the Classroom (1 min 22 sec)
The Importance of Creating a Safe Environment (1 min 32 sec)
Lessons Learned from Video Games (2 min 52 sec)
Preparing Students for the 21st Century (1 min 53 sec)
ABC Radio National How children learn best Interview with Dr. Judy Willis
‘All in the Mind’ program hosted by Lynne Malcolm 10/14/12
TEDx Video Dr. Judy Willis Jan 2013 ASB Mumbai, India. Topic “Dr. Judy Willis: Video Game Model for Motivated Learning’ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8TPRec6OCY
Popular Articles
www.RADTeach.com under “Publications”
The Neuroscience of Joyful Education by Judy Willis, M.D. ASCD Express Jan 3. http://bit.ly/Wyr3O5
Why Teacher Education Should Include Neuroscience (Jan 2013)
Bilingual Brains – Faster & Smarter: Psychology Today
Televised Interviews and TEDx
Australia ABC TV show Lateline Judy Willis, MD interview Apr 20, 2012 “Neuroscientist explains how to stimulate young brains”. Link with video & transcript http://bit.ly/IeW5H1
Additional ABC interviews online:
Neuroscientist explains how to stimulate young brains: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-20/neuroscientist-explains-how-to-stimulate-young/3964092
Neural development and early intervention: Q&A
TEDx Video Dr. Judy Willis Feb 1, 2012. Topic “From Neuroscience Lab to the Classroom” TEDxEnola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHRyPbcLKis