CDSP: Survey
Pre-assessment Questions for College Disability Services Personnel
1.) What is dyscalculia?
2.) How many students last year self-identified with math learning disability?
3.) How many students this year?
4.) Do you use a rubric or criteria list of the legal requirements of a valid diagnostic report for learning disabilities? If yes, can you supply it?
5.) Can you supply a flowchart or decision tree showing protocol and outcomes for students with a valid diagnosis of math learning disability?
6.) What programs, if any, address needs of students placing into remedial math?
7.) What percentage of incoming freshman scored below "college ready" on ACT math?
8.) What percentage of incoming freshman scored into remedial math on college placement exams?
9.) What is the on-time degree completion rate of students entering as freshman placing into remedial math?
10.) On average, how many courses and math credits are attempted by remedial math students during their undergraduate careers?
11.) On average,what is the first grade earned on first attempts at remedial math?
12.) On average, what grade is achieved on second attempts at remedial math?
13.) On average, what grade is achieved on first attempts at entry-level college algebra?
14.) On average, what grade is achieved on second attempts at entry-level college algebra?
15.) What support services are readily available to remedial math students?
Format note: Data collection via interview of college disability services personnel, after providing advance notice of questions requiring statistics.