Algebra Help
Programs and books to help you master Algebra
fun online program
$49 for 6-months of access
Self-paced. Lots of review.
Engaging format: songs, video, & games
Basics, linear functions, inequalities, systems, polynomials, quadratics, rational expressions
Covers College Basic Algebra, School Algebra 1
Web-based reports track student progress
Teacher Whiteboard version for whole-class lectures
Explained with easy to understand 3D animations. (by Eugene Khutoryansky)
(6) Algebra Interactive Tools online
(6)'s Recommended Algebra Books:
Algebra Visually (Amazon)
Algebra Illustrated (Amazon)
(7) Algebra at Landmark College uses UDL principles
Universal Design for Learning)
Improving Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
Article source: NSF Award
(Landmark College) State: Vermont Research Areas: Education, Mathematics
Steven Fadden of Landmark College's Institute for Research and Training and his colleagues have developed the Universal Design in College Algebra (UD Algebra) program. UD Algebra aims to improve the outcome for math students with learning disabilities (LD) by developing online learning resources that strengthen their understanding of key algebra topics. With the help of college students with LD, resources have been evaluated for usability and tested to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities and those who use assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Each resource is developed with a variety of content, including text, graphics, symbols, activities and video that guide students through concepts.
UD Algebra also includes a multimedia guide Web site, providing access to professional development materials for instructors, technologists and students, who wish to improve instruction, develop resources or evaluate technologies for learning. Instructor resources include best practices for teaching math to students with LD and the nature of the challenges faced by students with LD when learning math. Technologists and designers are provided with design guidelines, usability findings and design patterns for developing accessible resources for students with LD. The guide also includes rubrics and checklists for instructors and students to incorporate in their own assessment of resources and materials accessibility and usability.
The UD Algebra program has impacted over 350 college students and 15 community college teaching faculty, including a disability serving institution and Hispanic serving institution. Program materials are available to the public on the UD Algebra website: