
What is Dyscalculia? 

Terms for Dyscalculia

About Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia Diagnosis

Dyscalculia Remediation

Manage It  | Conquer It  | Fix | To Do  |  Remediation | Accessing Math

Appreciating Math  | Best Math Tools  |  GED Math

College & Dyscalculia

College & Dyscalculia  |  Academic Adjustments  |  Accommodations 

Accommodations vs. Modifications  |  Course Waivers

Course Substitution and Waiver Guide  |   Advising 

Algebra Paths  |  Books  | Tools

Sample letter to DSSNews  |  College & Learning Disabilities

H.S. vs. College  |  Scholarships

Voices of Dyscalculia

Stories  |  Blog  |  Letter to My Math Teacher  |  Mentors

K-12 Schools and Dyscalculia

K-12 Schools  | Response to Intervention vs. Special Education  |  Texas Dyscalculia Law

Definitions - Learning Disabilities and Dyscalculia



Section 504 and ADAAA

Dyscalculia + College and Disability Law

Dyscalculic Errors

  1. Reading one number but saying a different one. 
  2. Copying errors. 
  3. Reading errors. 
  4. Operational mix-ups (seeing the subtraction sign, but adding anyway).
  5. Reasoning errors (finding the difference between two digits, instead of subtracting integers).
  6. Knowing exactly which number to write, but writing a number not intended (ex. writing 1,000 instead of 100,000).

Dyscalculia in Children

Young children struggle with:
  1. left and right
  2. directionality
  3. counting reliably
  4. number-amount associations
  5. memory of numbers and quantitative information
  6. memory of instructions
  7. short-term memory 
  8. working memory
  9. time awareness
  10. telling time
  11. time management, schedules
  12. organization
  13. sequencing
  14. procedures for arithmetic
  15. place value
  16. memory of addition and multiplication facts
  17. memory of math rules
  18. mental arithmetic
  19. calculation
  20. visualization
  21. name-face memory
  22. visual memory
  23. visual-spatial discrimination, interpretation, processing, and memory. 
  24. unconscious errors with numbers and symbols when reading, listening, thinking (reasoning), copying, writing, and speaking. 
  25. think slowly and carefully, and operate without confidence. 
  26. When tasked in their deficit areas,  may demonstrate agitation, distress, anxiety, anger, avoidance, and resistance. 
  27. Children grow into dyscalculic adults who exhibit the same problems, but become better at hiding and managing their difficulties.

Signs of Dyscalculia in the Classroom