Daily-5 Game for Elementary Students
It makes therapeutic fun of handwriting, place value, money, letter/number/coin identification, and visual-spatial mental manipulation.
(1) Make a pretty chart for the fridge.
Create a row for each:
- playing with finger paint (drawing, penmanship practice)
- playing with base 10 blocks (numeration / blind imagining)
- money play (count by: 1, 5, 10, 25, 20, 50, 100;
adding, making change, discounts, place value, decimals, fractions)
- bag of surprises (reach in a bag and identify numbers / letters / coins by feel
= use plastic / foam / wood numbers and letters, and real
coins: (dollar, 50-cent-piece, quarters, dime, nickel, penny)
-Tangrams: puzzle game (Tangoes) - use the shapes to make a target picture.
(2) Do each of these therapeutic exercises every day.
(3) Have the child make the daily markers for each game.
You need 7 markers for each of the days of the week for each of the games.
Glue magnets onto the backs of the markers that represent each game. (Hot glue w/ care!)
Marker suggestions:
+ finger painting: rubber finger erasers
+ base 10 blocks: one blocks, or wooden or foam cubes
+ money: plastic coins or pennies, dimes, nickels
+ bag of surprises: fridge magnet letters or numbers
+ tangrams: tangram pieces
Keep the magnetic markers in a basket near the fridge,
and let your child put a marker on the chart each day,
after doing each activity.
Money Teaches Place Value PDF ($Bills to Print, Cut, Play)
Make a cash register out of a fishing tackle box with movable compartments. Fill it with life-like bills and real coins. Play store, etc. You can probably spare real dollar bills and can use fakes for the rest. Plastic coins are hard to tell apart and don't provide the tactile and visual feedback kids need.
Count by: While handling pennies, count by ones, setting each set of 10 pennies into a stack. While handling nickels, count by fives, setting each set of 2 into a stack. When handling dimes, count by tens, placing each by itself. When counting by twenties, pick up two dimes at a time and until you count to 100, arranging the sets of two dimes into an array of 5 like on a die: 20-40, 60, 80-100
Count by 25s, arranging each set of 4 into a stack: 25-50-75-100.
Count by 50s, arranging each set of 2 into a stack: 50-100.
Count by 15s, taking a dime and a nickel at first, 15-30-45-60-75-90-105.
Count by 30s: taking a quarter and a nickel: 30-60-90-120.
Count by 100s: Use one dollar bills for = 100 cents.
Count by 1s: Sets of 100 cents = $1. dollar.
Count by 10s: One ten is equal to ten $1. bills.
Count by 50s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s, 100,000s, 1,000,000s.
You can use a magnetic white board in place of a refrigerator.
You can also paint any wall with magnetic paint and it will become magnetic.
-Coat the magnetic paint with scrubbable flat / semi-gloss / egg shell paint, and you'll have a magnetic chalk board on your wall.
Days of week across top
Rows of games
You can laminate it at school.
You can create it on the computer and print it in color.
Watch for great sales on the magnetic white boards at Costco, Sam's Club and Staples around the holidays. You should be able to get a giant wall-size WB with magnets for $35.
Use one board for playing school and working out homework and one for notes, charts, etc.
Paint a wall of the basement or bedroom with scrubbable flat paint and use it as a chalk board. There is also chalkboard paint, but it is about $12 for a quart. Regular paint works the same, and you can paint a whole wall or room, make a different color border, make it look like a chalkboard, etc.
Use regular color chalk. It cleans up nicely and provides more tactile feedback than a whiteboard.
Magnetic Math Base 10 Blocks:
You can also affix magnets to a set of base ten blocks and your student can work with those on the magnetic board. There is also magnetic paint, that can make your wall a big magnet! (See Walmart, Home Depot, hardware stores.)
(h) It is more fun to stand up and work. Sitting introduces a form of static confusion for some kids that interferes with their best processing. They need to stand and move as much as possible and to talk through what they are doing.
Have fun!