Master Statistics in Spite of Dyscalculia
Many students with math disorders must master an understanding of statistical analysis of data to perform research and to intelligently assess and critique the quantitative claims of others.
Dylan Lynn - a statistician with dyscalculia
Low-risk ways to learn statistics:
Videos explain the history and use of statistics and essential concepts for analyzing data.
Free Statistics courses
Illustrated books about Statistics
Carnegie Math Pathways - STATWAY ( 70% pass for slow learners vs. 6% pass)
Offered through your college.
Joy of Stats documentary by Hans Rosling: (free)
TED Talks on Statistics (free)
A video statistics course for beginners: (free)
ALEKS Statistics online courses: (How to get started.)
How to Teach Stats to Different Types of Learners (Univ. California-Irvine)
Learn Beginning Statistics Visually with McGraw-Hill Software (zip file)
Free Statistics Help:
Online Stats Problem Solver:
Free Online Statistics Courses from Top Universities
Statistics & Probability by Khan Academy