Living with Dyscalculia - a Mom's Experience by Elle Matthews
Math Limits
Smart Thick Kid ~ Living with Dyscalculia by Loz Mac
Voices - Oct. 2018
Voices - Nov. 2018
Voices - Jan. 2019- Feb. 2019
I'm a 21 yr-old female, university student of Biological Sciences, trying to pursue my dream of becoming a scientist, despite this hell that is dyscalculia - that doesn't even allow me to pay for my own meal at the canteen.AGE 50 PROFESSIONAL
You're copying, "15.17" thinking or saying, "fifteen seventeen," but you write, "15.70". It sounds almost identical.You can't seem to remember numbers, even important ones (multiplication tables, birthdays, dates, amounts). When counting, you easily lose track, especially if distracted.
You're overwhelmed by all of the directional sequences in long division, multiplication, arithmetic, and algebra.
You struggle with visualizing, time, directions, layouts, sequences, scheduling, budgeting, and logistics.
Sam McCune earned degree at age 75 after math derailed him 57 years earlier (2023)
Math is Magic by By Camonghne Felix in the Atlantic, author of Dyscalculia: A love story (2023)
Using resources and asking for help
by Madi Turpin in The Echo (Oct. 12, 2018)Aidan Milner has severe dyslexia and dyscalculia but is an engineering geologist
(Oct. 2018)Dyscalculia Can't Stop Ingrid from Leading Role at Telemundo in Miami, Florida
(by Rachel Smith Jan. 17, 2017)Dyscalculia: When maths becomes anxiety
by Hanna Tomesby Joseph Legueri in Gilbert, Minnesota (, Oct. 14, 2016)The Road to Higher Education with an 'Invisible Disability'
by LAURA CASTAÑEDA (Atlantic, Sept. 22, 2016)Share
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