

Dyscalculia.org is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to advancing understanding and treatment of specific learning disabilities in mathematics, AKA dyscalculia. Dyscalculia.org aims to provide free public information about math learning disability: history, terminology, science, research, treatment, causes of innumeracy; best practices for diagnosis, treatment, teaching and learning; relevant laws, rules and protections; school, self and organizational advocacy; and access and accommodations across the academic lifespan.

Dyscalculia.org also aims to develop science-based multimedia instruction on dyscalculia for students, teachers, administrators, parents and professionals. Dyscalculia.org will develop through collaborations and partnerships, free or nominal-cost, multimedia interactive, computerized programs to remediate dyscalculia in affected children and adults. Dyscalculia.org will provide training in the diagnosis of dyscalculia and proper prescriptive programming.

Dyscalculia.org may offer full-credit math courses-- in partnership with educational content developers and publishers and in partnership with diploma and degree granting institutions-- tailored specifically to reach those with dyscalculia and proven to deliver lasting measurable educational outcomes. 

Courses may include: how we learn math, history of math, basic numeracy, basic math, the language of mathematics, pre-algebra, geometry, high school algebra, college algebra, statistics, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, math for advanced sciences, math for the social sciences, business math, life skills math, accounting, bookkeeping, history of math, women of mathematics, and physics.


Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Support Services began in 1992 and started using the website, dyscalculia.org, in 1997.

In January 2007,  Dyscalculia.org was formally incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the State of Michigan and served the public with the website, dyscalculia.org. 

Dyscalculia.org has not applied for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS. 

To this point, Dyscalculia.org has not solicited funding from donors or grantmakers.  For more than 20 years, it has served the public with free math learning disability information and consultations, free and paid diagnostic and remedial services, and training for students, schools, teachers, administrators, parents, professionals, and other stakeholders. 

On February 10, 2010, Dyscalculia.org was registered as a charitable trust, under the Michigan Supervision of Trustees for Charitable Purposes Act (STCPA), MCL 14.251, by the Michigan Attorney General. 

Board Members Wanted

Dyscalculia.org is always seeking new board members to serve as volunteer directors for the organization. Tasks include strategic planning and oversight.

 (Board Member Advice from the Mich Attorney General)

For contact information, please see our CONTACT page.