Voices Feb. 2019
Age 7: Check if son is dyscalculic. He shows difficulties with math at school and while doing his homework, especially with arithmetic and math factors. He's been to a psychomotricist for 4 years and his therapist is working mainly on his visuospatial development, working memory, and attention. I need help to make him understand math concepts and patterns, to get better scores in his evaluations at school and to think math can be challenging and fun.
Age 8: My son has a hard time grasping math. We need strategies!
Age 8: Daughter having difficulty with math concepts. We need testing and strategies to help.
Age 9: I am the parent of a child recently diagnosed with dyscalculia. I need strategies to help my daughter with math homework.
Age 9: My son is experiencing difficulties with math. Is this an LD?
Age 10: Daughter is struggling with maths. Is in 4th grade with maybe a second grade ability of maths. I need help getting my daughter tested for Dyscalculia.
Age 10: My child excels in all subjects except for math. She has difficulty taking tests, especially online. She is far below grade level. Part of our issue is that her math teacher is a generalist and this is her first year of teaching math. She is athletic and participates in choir. We need help in finding a way to help her learn. She has tutoring but does not retain this knowledge.
Age 11: Severe issues with basic math concepts. I need tools to help my child.
Age 11: She is in 5th grade and does not know multiplication facts or division.
Age 12: My daughter has great difficulty with math. Is it a math diability?
Age 13: I suck at math and often times pay attention in class then afterwards have no idea how to do anything. I want to know if you think I have it, before I get tested.
Age 15: I have all of these things. I'm so bad at math. Please help!
Age 16: All of these difficulties! What to do now?
Age 17: My son is experiencing difficulties with math. I need help with testing and teaching him math.
Age 18: Reading numbers and number combinations incorrectly. Bad at math.
Age 20: Spent my whole life struggling with math at a basic level. Just wanted to know if there's any way to receive even a semi-formal acknowledgement or diagnosis by some form of authority on the subject.
Age 20: I've always struggled with math problems, like all my life. Even today, I still have trouble understanding many problems and it's so annoying. I can read well and comprehend what I read, but once math is involved, my brain is like, "nope!" I'm honestly not sure. Maybe if there is a treatment, I can get help, but I doubt it.
Age 22: Confusing numbers with each other. Can’t do simple math problems that peers can do. I need help with how not to confuse numbers with each other, such as 4 and 7, and relearning basic arithmetic.
Age 25: I have always had difficulties with numbers ever since I can remember. I just finally want an answer.
Age 27: I think I'm dumb in math. I have so many of these symptoms.
Age 31: I have repetedly failed remedial college math courses. My current community college has a DSPS department, however, that department does not see Dyscalculia as a disability. They focus on mental & physical disabilities. Tutoring services on my campus are unreliable and limited to 30 minute sessions. I have trouble with Algebra I & Algebra ll. I have trouble with college-level algebra. I have trouble remembering things long-term. I have trouble remembering & understanding math equations. I am not good at Math, nor am I good at English. I am an American-born citizen, but I cannot write at college level. How do I request Learning Disability accomodations for remedial math courses in college?
Age 35: I am terrible in math. I have all of these symptoms. I need so much help!
Age 37: Stuggled for years with math and writing. I struggle with spelling and sounding out words I'm not familiar with. Can you help me learn math and writing?
Age 38: If I am dyscalculia, and if so, I need to show proof for college?
Age 47: I can do addition and subtraction in my head with a format that, when I explain to people how I got the correct answer, makes them state that “you go about that in such a difficult way!”, but it’s quite easy for me. However, I’m unable to “show my work” without taking quite a long time to work it out on paper (which looks like a scribbled train wreck when I’m finished), and often will have it wrong. I was accused of cheating on a test in high school because I solved all the problems in my head and just wrote the answer down when the teacher requested that we show our work for each problem. Why does this happen to me?
Age 60: I have all the symptoms! Why am I so useless with numbers?