Medical Students
Resources for Medical and Nursing Students with Learning Disabilities
The Royal College of Nursing's (UK) Toolkit for Nursing Staff (2010)
Dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia: A toolkit for nursing staff
Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia: a summary guide for managers (2010)
How to support nurses with dyscalculia and similar problems.
National Health Service and The Royal College of Nursing, United Kingdom
Reasonable Adjustments for Supporting Disabilities in the Workplace (including Dyscalculia)
from the Royal College of Nursing (UK, 2016)
University of Edinburgh (2009)
by Margaret MacDougall, BSc (Hons), PGCE, PhD, FRSS
Numeracy in Children's Nursing (Book) by Arija Parker (2015)
Loughborough University, Mathematics Education Center (2007)
Cardiff University (2006)
by Jean White
The Royal Society of Nursing (2007)
Review of the Literature of Dyslexia and Nursing Practice by C. Dale and F. Aiken
Guidance for Mentors of Student Nurses and Midwives: an RCN Toolkit
(disabilities in school and the workplace, Royal College of Nursing, UK, 2005)
Nursing Times
You can nurse with dyscalculia, but know your limitations. Nursing Times (Sept. 7, 2012)
Dyscalculia: awareness and student support. Nursing Times (Sept. 7, 2012)