Featured Experts by Location
Margaret Delazer - Professor, Researcher, University of Innsbruck - Austria
Dr. Daniel Ansari - Prof. Dev. Cognitive Neuroscience, Univ. of Western Ontario - Canada | Associate Editor, Developmental Science, 2009
Publications: Dyscalculia: Characteristics, Causes & Treatments (2013) w/ Gavin R. Price
Math Anxiety & Dyscalculia (2011)
Affiliations: Univ. of Sussex | University of Oxford | Univ. College London
Dr. Brad B. Hale | University of Victoria - Victoria, BC, Canada
Dr. John Mighton - Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Univ. of Toronto - Canada
Programs: JUMP Math
Publications: The Myth of Ability: Nurturing Math Ability in Every Child (2003)
The End of Ignorance (2007)
Playwright: 3 Gov. General Awards
Czechoslovakia: Dr. Ladislav Kosc (1924-2016)
Dr. Ladislav Kosc, Clinical Psychologist (1924-2016), Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
Head of the Department of Child Pathopsychology in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
Developmental Dyscalculia (1974)
6% of pop.; Types: verbal, practognostic, lexical, graphical, ideognostical, and operational
Learning Disabilities: Definition or Specification? (1987)...
England: Dr. Brian Butterworth | Dr. Stephen Chin | Tony Attwood | Shad Moarif | Kinga Morsanyi | Dénes Szűc | Dr. Julie Betenson
Tony Attwood, Chair, The UK Dyscalculia Centre, England UK
Publications: Practical Activities...Dyscalculia | Dyscalculia in Schools
Methods of Teaching...Dyscalculia | Tests for Dyscalculia
Affiliations: First and Best in Education | Hamilton House Mailings Ltd.
Dr. Brian Butterworth, Cognitive Neuroscientist, Institute of Education - London, England
University College London Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Tel: 020 7679 1150
BOOKS: What Counts | The Mathematical Brain
Dyscalculia Assessment | Dyscalculia Guidance | Developmental Dyscalculia
VIDEO: Just Trial & Error
GAMES: Number Games (NATURE 2013) | Number Sense (PC Games, APPS)
Dr. Stephen Chin, England
BOOKS: Routledge Intl. Handbook of Dyscalculia - 30 chapters by global experts, 2014.
Affiliations: Learning Works | Egon Publishers | Neil MacKay Dyslexia | Dyslexia Action
Shad Moarif, Psychologist, Author, Professor, Vancouver, BC, Canada, London, England
KarisMath - visual Algebra online interactive lessons with CLSO instruction
CLSO Math - Concepts, Language, Symbols, Operations
Learning Disabilities Association
Dr. Julie Betenson, University of Bristol, England
Kinga Morsanyi, Loughborough University, London, England
Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Cognition - Loughborough University, London, UK
Lecturer, School of Psychology, Queen's University - Belfast, Ireland
Publications: Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation
Do Children with Mathematical Disorder have an Order Processing Deficit? (2018)
Mathematical and Statistics Anxiety: Educational, Social, Developmental and Cognitive Perspectives (2016)
Dénes Szűc, Professor Dénes Szűcs is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Neuroscience in Education, a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology and a Fellow of Darwin College, University of Cambridge, England
France: Stanislas Dehaene
Stanislas Dehaene | INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging, Paris, France
Publications: From Monkey Brain to Human Brain | Reading in the Brain
Research: Dyscalculia Research | Mental Cognition Research
Games: The Number Race (remedial software)
Affiliations: Edge | International Society for the Study of Attention and Performance
Germany: Dr. Michael Wehrmann
Dr. Michael Wehrmann, Institut für Mathematisches Lerne Braunschweig, Germany
Wissenschaftliche Leitung
Promotion an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
über das am IML umgesetzte Forschungsthema
New Zealand: Dr. Anna Wilson
Anna Wilson | Univ. of Canterbury |Univ. of Auckland - Auckland, New Zealand
Site: AboutDyscalculia,org
Games: The Number Race (4-8) | The Number Catcher (9+)
Publications: Number Crunch (2013) | Number Sense & Dyscalculia
Dyscalculia Primer & Resource Guide | Teachers+Brain Research (2013)
Affiliations: INSERM-CEA Neuroimaging - Paris, France | Univ. Oregon | Univ California - Berkeley
USA: Dr. Vinon Menon (CA) | Dr. Nancy Jordan (DE) | Dr. Alfredo Ardila (FL) | Dr. Paul Nolting (FL) | Mahesh Sharma (MA) | Renee Newman (MI) | Michelle Mazzocco (MN) | Dr. David Geary (MO) | Dr. Josef Gerstmann (NY) | Dr. Gavin Price (TN) | Dr. Daniel Berch (VA) | Dr. Virginia Berninger (WA) | Dr. Edward Hubbard (WI)
Vinod Menon, PhD, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
MathBrain Project - Neuroscience Dept. at Stanford University
MathBrain Project Goals:
(1) To better understand the normal development of mathematical skills.
(2) To understand the neural basis of dyscalculia and mathematical difficulties.
(3) To develop brain-based methods and evidence to help improve mathematical skills in individuals with dyscalculia and specific learning disabilities.
Studies: Autism & Math | Math ages: 7, 8, 9 | Adults & Math | Children & Math
Dr. Nancy Jordan, Center for Improving Learning of Fractions, University of Delaware USA
Publications: Number Sense Screener Guide K-1, Res. Ed.
Number Sense Screener Stimulis (Res. Ed.) | Number Sense Screener Record Sheets
Number Sense Screener Quick Script | Number Sense Interventions
Number Sense Screener Set (Res. Ed.) | Number Sense Screener User Guide
Affiliations: University of Deleware - College of Education and Human Development
Dr. Alfredo Ardila, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Florida International Univ. USA
Publications: Acalculia (1998) |
Memory abilities ... subtypes of dyscalculia. Dev Neuropsychol. 2006.
Gender...correlates of math skills in school-aged... Child Neuropsychol. 2009 May 15.
On the evolution of calculation abilities. Front Evol Neurosci. 2010.
Dysexecutive agraphia... Neurosci. 2006 May.
Speech & Language Disorders in Bilinguals | International Handbook of Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology | Aphasia: A Clinical Perspective
Dr. Paul D. Nolting, Univ. of S. Florida, & Florida Gulf Coast University USA
Publications: College Math Substitutions (1993)
Worksheets Plus: Bk 1 - Number System
Worksheets Plus: Book 2 - Calculations
Worksheets Plus: Book 3 - Solving
Affiliations: Cengage Learning | Academic Success
Mahesh Sharma, Professor & Author | Framingham State University | Framingham, Massachusetts, USA
Journals: Math Notebook | FOCUS on Learning Disabilities in Mathematics
Webinar: Tuesday Mornings with Professor Sharma: 8 AM ET Zoom Meeting ID: 508 494 4608 P: mathforall
- Blog: Learning the Language of Math
- Workshops: The Differentiated Math Classroom
Affiliations: Cambridge College, Oxford University, University of Leeds, Framingham State University
Renee M. Hamilton-Newman, M.S.-Sp.Ed., M.Ed-ISD, Founder,, Michigan USA
Publications: (since 1997) | The Dyscalculia Syndrome (1998) Blog (since 2008) | Conquer Dyscalculia Without Going Broke
Letter to my Math Teacher (1985) | Math Limits (2014) | Dyscalculia and ADHD (2020)
Dyscalculia Checklist (1998) | LD Checklist (1998)
Math Term Menu (2015) | Place Value Parking Lot (2015)
Affiliations: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | Michigan State Univ | WGU | PBS
Dr. Michelle Mazzocco - University of Minnesota - St. Paul, Minnesota, USA | 1+ (612) 624-2928
Institute of Child Development | Center for Early Education & Dev.
Dr. David C. Geary, Univ. of Missouri, Missouri, USA
Dr. Josef Gerstmann, Neuropsychiatrist (1887-1969) New York Acad. of Medicine, New York
Publications: Gerstmann's Syndrome (1930)
First used term “dyscalculia” in 1940's.
Gerstmann's Enigma (1965) | GS over time (2018) | Anatomical Basis (2009)
Some Notes on Gerstmann's Syndrome, 12-01-1957
Austrian-born American
Dr. Gavin R. Price | CV | Vanderbilt University - Nashville, Tennessee USA
The CEN Lab, at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, uses behavioral and brain imaging methods to investigate how the human brain represents and processes numerical information, and how those processes support the learning of arithmetic and mathematical skills.
Dr. Virginia Berninger, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington USA
Dr. Edward M. Hubbard, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin USA
Publications: DISCOVER MAG (2013)
Affiliations: Lifeboat Foundation Neuroscience Board