Priscilla Talavera ~ improving learning difficulties in Arequipa, Peru

Asociacion Compartir - Arequipa, Peru

Hope for Learning Disorders


Somos la Asociación Compartir, organización que funciona desde el año 2002. 

Bajo la dirección del Dr. Miguel Angel Talavera Núñez, Pediatra y Neuropediatra de la ciudad de Arequipa en Perú. 

Nuestro enfoque multidisciplinario, que reúne especialistas en las áreas de Psicología, Pedagogía y Terapia de  Lenguaje, sumado a nuestra experiencia de 18 años, nos permite ser un centro de referencia en el sur del Perú para los problemas del neurodesarrollo. 

Asegurando de esta manera el diagnóstico temprano y una terapia efectiva.

Nuestra institución tiene como precepto la consciencia social y la ayuda a los que más nos necesitan. Tenemos como norma el diagnóstico precoz y oportuno de los trastornos del neurodesarrollo, lo que nos permite tener una mayor posibilidad de recuperación.

Nuestro correo:

Número de contacto: +01 51 992531875


Priscilla Talavera, Psychologist

Priscilla specializes in the treatment of learning disorders - dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dyscalculia.

Mrs. Talavera is working with to gain insight into North American practices in LD diagnosis, remediation, advocacy, and public education. 


In Peru, parents are not usually receptive to an LD diagnosis. Most parents believe that learning disorders are shameful, and erroneously believe a diagnostic label will result in a lifetime of limitations, lack of achievement, and a failure to achieve functional and academic independence.

Priscilla is working to change that mindset. She wants people to know that early identification and intervention, empowers students and families to learn and grow with healthy emotional, social, academic, and economic outcomes.

Dr. Miguel Talavera Nunez

We are “Asociación Compartir." Compartir means to share, and that is what we've been doing since we opened our doors in 2002, under the direction of Dr. Miguel Angel Talavera Núñez, Pediatrician and Neuropediatrician, from the city of Arequipa in Peru. 

For 18 years, we've shared our knowledge of learning difficulties and our multidisciplinary approach, with specialists in psychology, pedagogy, and language therapy. We are a unique center of reference in southern Peru for neurodevelopmental disorders. 

Our fundamental values of social conscience and early diagnosis, provide the greatest therapeutic effectiveness and chance of recovery.

Our email:

Contact number: +01 51 992531875
