Our Team

Renee M. Newman, M.Ed., M.S.-Sp.Ed., Distance Ed. Cert.  Dyscalculia.org Founder & President, Educational Diagnostician & Therapist - Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, & Dysgraphia |  renee@dyscalculia.org 

Professor Mahesh Sharma, Dyscalculia Expert

Mahesh Sharma, Professor | Dyscalculia Expert and Dyscalculia Journal Publisher 

Journals: The Math Notebook, and Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics

Dyscalculia Remediation Expert: Get Results; Lesson Plan; Lesson Critique

Center for Teaching & Learning Mathematics and Berkshire Math (England)


Shad Moarif, Ph.D., Dyscalculia Expert, Karismath

Shad Moarif, Ph.D. (Harvard), Psychologist | Dyscalculia Expert

KarisMath:   Math Made Visible  -  K-8 Math Video Channel


Jo-Ellen Bosson, Artist & Illustrator, Dyscalculic


Facebook | LinkedIn                                             

Mischa Pearson,  Author & Illustrator  -  UK


Hunter-Marie Merleau, Web Communications Manager


Moody Bible College                                                     

Ethel Eaady Thomas, College Compliance Advocate

Ethel Eaady Thomas, M.S., Higher Ed Compliance Advocate


Dr. Katherine A. Abbott, Pediatrician,Screening for Learning Disorders

Dr. Katherine A. Abbott, MD, Pediatrician

Consultant on learning disorders and conditions impacting performance - birth to age 20.


Samira Guyot, Education Lawyer, Instructional Designer

Samira Guyot, J.D., Chief Attorney - Education Law

Instructional Designer; Columbia University - Teacher's College


Christine Kapsos, Education Lawyer

Christine Kapsos, J.D.,  Education Lawyer

Kapsos Law


Cheryl Musick, Author, Equine Therapist, Addiction Consultant

Cheryl Hughes Musick, Award-winning Author

The Day the Musick Died

Equine Therapist

Consultant: Grief, Eating Disorders, and Addiction

musick@dyscalculia.org   |   HouseOfMusick.com

Dannelle Wilson Howard

Dannelle Wilson-Howard

Dyscalculia.org Facebook Page Creator, 2018



Annie Shan, New York: annie.shan@dyscalculia.org

Chaeli Brooks, Virginia: chaelie@dyscalculia.org

    Laura Manis, New Jersey

Kendal Cladek, Washington: kendal.cladek@dyscalculia.org

Jimena Cantu, Mexico: mexmath@dyscalculia.org

Priscilla Talavera, Peru: priscilla@dyscalculia.org