Books about Dyscalculia
Why is Math so Hard for Some Children? by Daniel Berch and Michele Mazzoco.
Dyscalculia From Research to Education by Brian Butterworth (2018)
Math Anxiety - Books
Math Learning Difficulty - Books
Dyscalculia and Children
MLD in Kids
My Thirteenth Winter - by Samantha Abeel - Dyscalculia at 13
Last to Finish and other Adventures of Everyday Geniuses
Cassidy and the Mixedup Numbers
The Counting Game - A book about a child with dyscalculia
Daniel Ansari
Alfredo Ardila
Daniel B. Berch
Virginia Berninger
Brian Butterworth
Stephen Chinn
Stanislas Dehaene
Dr. Kevin Devlin
David C. Geary
John Mighton
Shad Moarif
Math Trending
It Just Doesn't Add Up: Paul Moorcraft number-blind to professor.
MATH Books by Jo Boaler
Mathematical Mindsets
A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math by Barb Oakley
Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning by Barb Oakley
Love and Math
Math Through Children's Literature
Sir Cumference - Math Adventure Series for Children
Grapes of Math and Other Math Stories for Children by Gene Tang
Math is CATegorical Fun Series
Math Inspector Series - Chapter BooksTeaching Math Through Literature - Marilyn Burns
Children's Math Books
My Math Monster by E.M. Olson
Mummy Math
The Counting Game